Sunday, January 11, 2015

Email # 10                     December 28, 2014

Dearest Family,
I had another great week! Missionary work is the best. This past week was kind of a wake up call in quite a few ways though. We host three activities throughout the week: family home evening, english class, and ping pong night. This past week, we had hardly anyone come to english class and no one came to ping pong night. These are really good dendo (missionary work) opportunities because people have a fun reason to come to church and see that we're normal people and have an opportunity to hear the gospel in a calm and spiritual atmosphere. These next few weeks, we're really going to push these activities and try to find as many people as we can to come to them. To do this, Elder Mobley and I are really trying to come up with creative ideas to attract people's attention at train stations or other busy areas so they'll be more likely to come. Some of our ideas are: mini snowman making, paper airplane racing, fastest origami crane making, and nerf hoop horse. I was wondering if you guys could do me a couple of huge favors. Could you ask everyone and anyone for creative ideas? You all served missions and are very smart and could be a huge help. Second big favor. Could you please send me some speed stacker cups? Those ones that Cam got me that have the mat for timing? I'm willing to pay you back, and I think those could be really effective to get people's attention by racing them or just doing it to attract attention. Plus they're portable, so I could bring them with me the rest of my mission. The second wake up call was from Takashi, our primary investigator. People here are super forward about your weight. He called me fat in the middle of a lesson, and came over and started feeling and squeezing my stomach. It was pretty crazy. I know I'm not fat, but it's good motivation to get in better shape! Mom, can you please do me another favor? We eat the same foods over and over again, I was wondering if you could send me some good recipes? Basically, we have chicken, onions, carrots, garlic, and potato. Do you have any good, healthy recipes with those ingredients? Also, can you please send me your crepe recipe? Thanks a ton! I think I might have inherited dad's crazy story gene. The other elders tell me that I've had the craziest first couple of weeks they've heard of. My first area is in Niigata, I've taken a 10 hour bus ride, slept in because we arrived at 2 in the morning and the zone leaders told us to, had two investigators take off their shirts during lessons, been called fat, rode a bullet train, and attended a Japanese funeral. It's been pretty crazy. Elder Mobley is amazing, Elder Farnworth is crazy, and Elder Walker is super chill. We're all in the same apartment and it's super fun. Some of my favorite quotes from Elder Farnworth: "Some say I'm a remarkable man. I agree." "I put original in the word original." "Housing is the lifeblood of this civilization." He's crazy and super funny. My Christmas was super good. It was great talking to you guys! I can't believe Liza gets baptized this week, that's so awesome! You guys are awesome! That's about it from me this week. I'm reading in 2 Nephi right now. I forgot my scriptures in the apartment, next week I'll bring them so I can share a better thought. I really like how appreciative Jacob is. He starts so many verses with something like, "Oh the greatness of our God!" He is really good about appreciating the atonement and being grateful for it. I also really like how he almost always says, "Oh my beloved brethren." He is chastising them and telling them to be more righteous, but he is doing it with love. I am loving 2 Nephi so much. I think 2 Nephi 4:16 and 4:27-29 are some of my new favorite scriptures. They are amazing! I love you guys, you rock! Talk to you next week!

Sent from my iPad

Here's me with Takashi and Elder Mobley. I have no idea why he posed like this.


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