Email #64 February 1, 2016
Dearest Family and Friends,
This week was great! I had the most rejection I've had yet on my
mission this past week. We've been having a hard time getting people
to church and meeting with our investigators this transfer, but we're
doing our part. Despite having a ton of rejection this past week, it
was a really happy, good week. Nothing out of the ordinary really
happened, but it was just good. The harder I work and the more I throw
myself into the work, the happier I am, no matter what happens. We
were blessed to have two walk ins at sacrament meeting. One was a
nonmember couple who just moved into the area and found the church on
google. They slipped out before we were able to get contact
information, but hopefully they will be back next week! There was also
a man who lives nearby who just came to see the church because he was
curious. He didn't seem 100% there, but it was a big blessing to have
2 people we had never met just walk into the church and stay through
sacrament meeting. I've been really thinking about love this week, and
how I need to be filled with more love for the Japanese people. I
already love them so much, but just like pretty much everything else,
I feel like there is room for improvement. Please pray for me that I
will be filled with love for the people here in Japan, my area, and
the people we are working with!
In other news, I learned how to whistle this week. For as long as I
can remember, I have wished that I could whistle. I would hear other
people who could, and wish that I could be like them and be able to do
some sweet whistling. However, I never really put in the time I needed
to become a whistling beast. In Elder Paul Cannon style, except much
less flowy and in a much shorter way, I would like to compare
whistling to our testimonies. I think that my journey to whistlehood
has much in common with the journey to acquiring our testimonies. Just
as there are those who have been able to whistle for as long as they
can remember, there are often those around us who have had testimonies
their entire lives. We may look at those who know that Christ is their
Savior, that the gospel brings happiness to their lives, and wish that
we were like them, that we could just know the same things. Some of us
may have gotten our testimonies quickly, after attending church or
reading scriptures for the first time. Others of us may have been
going to church for as long as we can remember, doing all the things we
need to be doing, and still may not have received the answer we have
been looking for. However, unlike whistling, having a testimony of the
Savior and His gospel will bless our lives beyond anything we could
imagine, make us happier, strengthen us in our trials, and give us an
irreplaceable feeling of peace. And even though there are some of us
who may work hard and long to be able to whistle, we may never be able
to. However, I know that if we put in the work and are sincere, we can
all be blessed with the happiness and peace that accompanies knowing that
Jesus Christ is our Savior, that He loves us, and knows us
individually. I am so thankful for my testimony of Jesus Christ, and
for the opportunity I have to help develop that same testimony in
others. My favorite scripture, 2 Nephi 4:16, sums it up pretty well I
"16 Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart
pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard."
My soul truly does delight in the Lord and His gospel. If you can't
whistle yet, keep trying! If you have no desire to whistle, or to come
to know that Christ can bless your life through the gospel He has
restored through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
please consider it, as I know that it will be the same joy and peace
to you that it has to me and millions of others.
Elder Calhoun

I went in between 2 metal poles after going shopping, thinking I could cut in between them without slowing down. I didn't factor in the swinging of the bags, and the pasta sauce in one of the bags hit one of the poles and pretty much exploded. It's hard to see, but it got all over my pants, shoes and bike. I pretty much greased my bike chain with pasta sauce. It was pretty gnarly.
Elder Ito put on a wig today at zone p day and straight up looked like Zero from Holes.
I gave him my shoes and it was lights out the same.
Classic Japanese English